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Pipp's Photos and Medical Records

Disputed veterinary statement: "OD enucleation"

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Pipp's records

Pipp is among the cats being held against a Judge's order. This is one of the cats I worried about the most because of the way he has been treated in the custody of the state. It's unconscionable. If you are in possession of this cat, I suggest you return him immediately. I will not stop until I find him.

Pipp is a five-year-old red tuxedo tabby with white facial markings. These photos of Pipp were all taken by the state. They provide a comparison of how Pipp's eye looked before he was captured and after he had been in captivity for almost three months. They also give a pretty good showing of his demeanor. The first photo from 11/5/19 was taken inside the house before he was captured. It has been blown up from a photo of a room. His left eye is normally big and round like that and quite beautiful, which you can't appreciate because of the glare. His right eye is exactly how it has appeared since he was treated as a kitten by a veterinarian. You can see at that point he's curious and perhaps just a bit apprehensive about what's going on with strangers in the house. Like most of my cats, he is normally a very happy cat. In the next few photos he's just doing what he normally does, hanging out and wandering around. Look at the way they are holding him in the capture photo. I would never hold him like this. Personal concern about getting hurt is no excuse for hurting an animal that you shouldn't be handling in the first place. The next set of photos were taken the next day, 11/6/19, at least 24 hours into captivity while he was in a cage in a large barn or warehouse somewhere. At that point he is shutting down. He is not a happy cat. The last three photos on the bottom were taken three months later at a shelter. You can see he isn't opening either eye and his right eye has a discharge all around. His eyes haven't looked this bad since he was a kitten. Based on these photos and the medical records, my personal opinion is that his eyes are being overmedicated and either the constant medication or possibly inept application is causing damage. You will see in the medical records that the shelter's veterinarian wants to remove his right eye. In five years, Pipp's eye has never changed. I've only treated his eye with mild eye washes for mild discharges twice during that period. No other veterinarian has ever suggested removing his eye. As far as I'm concerned, the state has managed in just a few months to destroy all my work in saving his eye. Why would veterinarians want to cause an animal pain and suffering from such an unnecessary surgery?

Pipp's state photo taken in house prior to capture 11/5/19


Pipp's state photo taken in house prior to capture 11/5/19


Pipp's state photo taken in house prior to capture 11/5/19


Pipp's state capture photo 11/5/19. This is a sweet, social cat and look how they hold him. This cat was clearly wandering around allowing them to take pictures of him, yet they had to catch him like this? Tell me this doesn't look more like exterminators coming in to collect vermin than rescuers coming in to help animals.


Pipp's state shelter photo 11/6/19


Pipp's state shelter photo 11/6/19


Pipp's state shelter photo 11/6/19


Pipp's state shelter photo 1/30/20


Pipp's state shelter photo 1/30/20


Pipp's state shelter photo 1/30/20


This is one of the things I don't get. It's completely unnecessary to write feline on every line. What would have been helpful is writing down the sex. Even better would be to get the name. I can't say if I would have cooperated with such a request or not because they didn't even ask.

Pipp Log

And now we start to wonder. Is this the right cat? He's not yellow and white, he's red (or orange) and white. It says he was found in the living room, but photos of him before his capture show him in my father's office. He was pretty calm about strangers in the house and taking pictures of him, but now he's described as fearful. And that's all they write. No age estimate, no findings. Of course, this cat was perfectly healthy and had just been to the veterinarian less than two months previous.

Pipp Triage

As described in the article Faulty Interpretations Lead to Wrong Conclusions, there are two copies of the 11/6/19 exam forms, one is incomplete and one is the original. This is the incomplete version.

Pipp Exam Incomplete

This is the original exam. I really start to wonder about who actually did these exams and filled out these forms. Notice this form has the boxes checked and items circled where many others do not. Pipp is still noted as fearful here. I wonder why he is fearful when he has always been just fine at the veterinary with me. This is a cat who had just been at the veterinary on September 18 and September 30. At that time, there was no mention of fleas or flea dirt. His ears were treated twice with EKT wax. There was mention of body scabbing but no treatment recommended and he weighed 8.31 lbs. at that time. There was severe gingivitis and tartar noted, but no dental needed. This veterinarian comments on every little thing making it seem like he has health issues when he does not. And they give him Convenia for no reason.

Pipp Exam

Once again, this is a cat who had just been at the veterinary on September 30. On 11/12/19, he gets a second injection of Convenia, is given a dye test for his eye which is negative and is started on eye medication. What for? They think he gained 1.5 lbs. when in fact he is now closer to the 8.31 lbs. he weighed on September 18, so more likely the prior weight of 7 lbs. was inaccurate. On 12/6/19 they are at him again. This cat has required no veterinary care beyond a neuter and mild eye washes since he was a kitten. Why are they doing this to this cat? He saw two different veterinarians in September and neither mentioned a problem with his eyes. Yet this veterinarian states both eyes are cloudy then in the same record the right is very good and he has corneal disease. And now he has severe dental disease and will need extractions? And note the plan to remove his eye.

Pipp Falls Road

Now he's back at the veterinary on 2/5/20, for what? Because he bit down on a toy and yelled in pain? Their vet has already said he has severe dental disease and needs extractions, except nothing is being done about that, is it? Why? Because they want to remove his eye at the same time? It makes me absolutely sick to my stomach every time I read these reports while Pipp is in the hands of these strangers. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him and he had his rabies vaccination before he was taken, yet still he was taken and now has to tolerate all this unnecessary and incorrect medical attention. Where is this poor cat? He needs to be home where he is safe.

Pipp Falls Road

So on 11/6/19 he has some scabbing and mild dermatitis. On 2/5/20 his skin is normal. Now it's 2/24/20 and he has pyoderma and is grooming excessively. Excessive grooming indicates stress. Also notice it says "no fleas noted." Do you see the bias? Even if they didn't find fleas on my cats as they took them from my house, they certainly never mentioned it except on the newborns. When the cats came out of my house the bias was toward finding fleas; now that the cats are coming out of a state approved shelter the bias is toward not finding fleas.

Pipp Falls Road Pipp Falls Road

Documentation Posted August 30, 2020 by Elmvale Farm

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