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- Evidence -

Jordan Chart

Disputed: Accuracy of Data

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Jordan Chart

This is the chart presented into evidence and referenced on the main page. Find the column titled thin. It's about three quarters of the way down. An x in this column indicates thin, which is equivalent to a 3 in body condition score (BCS). A V in this column indicates very thin or a 2 in body condition score. You can see that cat number 1 is a 3 where if you refer to the last column on the far right in this spreadsheet, where the BCS is taken directly from the medical exams done on 11/6/19, cat number 1 is scored a 5. Cat number 20 is a 3 on Jordan's chart and a 4 on the actual exam. Cat number 27 is a 3 on Jordan's chart and a 5 on the actual exam. A comparison done on all entries in this column reveals inconsistencies on 36 cats just for body condition scores.

I have taken the text on the last page and turned it right side up so it's easy to read. A note as part of that text says, "24 different medications were administered to these cats." This is typical of the misleading statements presented by the state. The fact that a veterinarian chose to use 24 different medications does not inform the condition of the cats. We know in many cases cats received unnecessary medications and received medications in response to conditions they acquired in the custody of the state. We don't even know if all of these were prescribed by a veterinarian. We don't know when they were administered or why. This is just an accumulation of data with no context. This accumulation of data benefits the state as they only have to prove their case based on a preponderance of the evidence.

Notice the columns titled Not Vetted and Under Vetted. These actually describe whether veterinary care was given to these cats. Is the caretaker admitting these cats needed veterinary care but did not receive it?

Chart Chart Chart Chart

Documentation Posted August 22, 2020 by Elmvale Farm

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