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Milk Nutrition

Milk is a great natural product that contains over 100 substances. Wow! It is almost 90% water, a nutrient which we know we all require. The lactose content in milk is about 5%. It is the principal carbohydrate and though a sugar, not sweet to taste. Many of us are not able to digest lactose because we lack the enzyme lactase in our digestive tract. We may be able to consume small amounts of lactose without discomfort or we can buy milk pre-treated with lactase. Protein in milk is about 3 to 4 percent and can vary depending on the breed of the cow it came from or the fat in the milk. The more fat, the higher the protein. If a child is found to be allergic to milk, it is the proteins in the milk that are at fault. Fat makes up about 3.5 to 6 percent of milk. Most minerals and vitamins required for the growth of the young are found in milk. Calcium and phosphorus in milk are highly digestable, which is why milk is such an excellent source of calcium for bone growth and integrity.
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Copyright 1997-2019 Kathleen A. O'Connell and Sean P. O'Connell