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Butterball's Photos and Medical Records

Shelter notes: "lost in barn"

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Butterball's records

Butterball is a three-year-old red tabby. He is a feral cat who lived in the house because he was brought in with his sibling group in the fall of 2017. He has never taken to human company and is one of the few cats I have to trap to get him to the veterinary. Butterball was taken by the state, lost for five days, then received no medical attention until 2/5/20 when the record reports he has a urinary tract infection and his ears are full of pus. This cat had been under the care of the state for three months at this point. His medical care has clearly been delayed because they cannot manage him. His medical record further states they will be unable to treat his eyes or ears due to his fractious nature. It is directly due to the state's actions that this cat was deprived of necessary food, water, shelter and medical treatment. You can see from his shelter photos that he remains fearful and is attempting to hide months into captivity. During our first court hearing, the judge encouraged us to come to some agreement. The state was not amenable to returning all the cats under any circumstances. From the very start the state has only been agreeable to letting me keep a few cats. I told my lawyer I would feel compelled to keep the cats I knew were unadoptable and would be killed, and that would mean giving up the cats most closely bonded to me. After conferring with the state, he returned and said they told him all the cats were now socialized. Of course, I knew that was not possible since they had several feral and many apparently fearful cats. And that can be seen in a number of records on this site, including one on this page noting Butterball as a "caution cat" just three days before the court hearing. Butterball has been returned and is still feral and even more fearful of humans than before.

Also, I cannot see on these records where this cat ever received a rabies vaccination.

Butterball's state capture photo 11/5/19


Butterball's state shelter photo 1/30/20


Butterball's state shelter photo 1/30/20


Butterball's state shelter photo 1/30/20


Butterball's state shelter photo 1/30/20


Butterball's state shelter photo 1/30/20


Butterball Log
Butterball Triage

As described in the article Faulty Interpretations Lead to Wrong Conclusions, there are two copies of the 11/6/19 exam forms, one is incomplete and one is the original. Butterball never received an exam on 11/6/19, so he has neither record. The note below was inserted into the paperwork instead.

Butterball Exam Incomplete
Butterball Falls Road Butterball Falls Road Butterball Falls Road Butterball Falls Road Butterball Falls Road

Documentation Posted August 29, 2020 by Elmvale Farm

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