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Bravo's Photos and Medical Records

Treating the cat when it's convenient: "is taking metro in his food but only once daily due to convenience"

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Bravo's records

Bravo is a three-year-old male. He is a sleek, shy, but attention-seeking cream tuxedo tabby. These are the only photos of Bravo, so we have no evidence of what he looked like before his 11/6/19 exam. He looks nothing like himself in the photos. When I saw the cats in January, I didn't even recognize some of the males because they had put on their fur coats. My suspicion is that Bravo and the other males were kept in a colder environment than they are used to. Contributing to that suspicion was the court testimony of the caretaker who complained about the overpowering odor of male cat urine and how they fought all the time. The caretaker didn't seem to realize the males were urine marking because they were nervous, uncertain and in a strange, new territory. If they were fighting, it was for the same reason and she obviously put together males who had not been together at home. That would be extremely irresponsible as they could kill each other. Putting strange males together also increases urine marking. Females nearby would increase urine marking as well. The male cats did not fight at home or urine mark excessively because none of these conditions existed at home. Male cat urine has a distinctive smell. It's impossible to miss, yet nobody from the state mentioned an overpowering smell of male urine in my house or the boys' rooms. Bravo has been labeled by his new caretakers as fearful, possible caution. He must be examined in a net on 11/6/19. This cat would also be unlikely to make it out of a shelter alive. Thankfully, he is safe and well at home.

In his 1/30/20 photo, there is crusting in the corner of his eyes, he is squinting, they look uncomfortable and there is some discharge in his nose. He looks unhappy. I would be too if I had to live on top of my litter box. From the looks of the litter box, he still has diarrhea. Please see the 1/27/20 medical record where it says he is being treated at the convenience of his caretakers.

Bravo's state capture photo 11/5/19


Bravo's state shelter photo 1/30/20


Bravo's state shelter photo 1/30/20


Bravo Log
Bravo Triage

As described in the article Faulty Interpretations Lead to Wrong Conclusions, there are two copies of the 11/6/19 exam forms, one is incomplete and one is the original. The one below is the incomplete copy.

Bravo Exam Incomplete

This is the completed 11/6/19 exam form.

Bravo Exam

Bravo's Falls Road record from 11/27/19 visit with 11/20/19 notations. Note that Bravo is one of the cats afflicted with bloody diarrhea while under the care of the state and he appears to come down with it on 11/20/19, the same as Bismark, 15 days into custody, though there is no indication he was actually taken to the veterinary on that date. Who diagnosed him? Who decided to treat him with Metronidazole Gourmeds? Seven days later on 11/27/19 the record states he still has diarrhea. Imagine having diarrhea for seven days. Note also where it says he's taking the Metronidazole in his food, but only once daily due to convenience. So my cats are being treated only when it's convenient?

Bravo Falls Road

In March, he's back at Falls Road where they have to sedate him to examine him. Why was he here? During this exam, they find he has a dental infection and decide to do extractions while he's already under. His ears are full of debris. He has dermatitis on his scrotum. Once again he gets Convenia because the caretakers cannot manage him for other safer, less expensive medications.

Bravo Falls Road Bravo Falls Road

Documentation Posted August 20, 2020 by Elmvale Farm

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