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Bismark's Photos and Medical Records

Veterinary notes: "escaped - hard to net - may have injured nose while catching"

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Bismark's records

Bismark is a beautiful 3-year-old red and white male with medium length hair. He is very friendly. He has been labeled by his new caretakers as fearful, caution, feral and aggressive. Given the way he's been chased and netted several times and now can't be managed at the veterinary without the gas chamber, he would never have made it out of a shelter alive. Thankfully, he is home safe and well, though he was returned with extreme matting all along his back. Like the other cats, he was rather desperate in seeking affection at first, but I'm relieved that he can still accept affection and can still be picked up and held.

This is another cat I could not identify based on the state's records. They describe him as yellow and white while I would call him red and white. Falls Road later describes him as orange and white. They don't include that he has medium length hair. I suppose his hair length could be debatable, but I consider any cat with a fluffy tail to have medium length hair.

You will see the 11/6/19 exam describes him as having debris in the corner of his eyes. There is nothing unusual about his eyes or nose. He is described as having an "ulcerated nasal planum" with a note "escaped - hard to net - may have injured nose while catching." He is given Convenia. Why?

Bismark's state capture photo 11/5/19


Bismark's state capture photo 11/5/19


Bismark's state shelter photo 1/30/20


Bismark's state shelter photo 1/30/20


Bismark Log
Bismark Triage

As described in the article Faulty Interpretations Lead to Wrong Conclusions, there are two copies of the 11/6/19 exam forms, one is incomplete and one is the original. This is the incomplete version.

Bismark Exam Incomplete

This is the completed 11/6/19 exam form. Bismark is another cat incorrectly labeled as feral.

Bismark Exam

Bismark's Falls Road record from 11/25/19 visit with 11/20/19 notations. Note that Bismark is one of the cats afflicted with bloody diarrhea while under the care of the state and he appears to come down with it on 11/20/19, 15 days into custody, though there is no indication he was actually taken to the veterinary on that date. Who diagnosed him? Who decided to treat him with Metronidazole Gourmeds? On 11/25/19, notice his ears are now "full of debris" where on 11/6/19 they were described with mild debris. He's been treated with Revolution, so that would take care of 98% of the ear mites, so they can't blame the debris on ear mites. They wouldn't anyway since the cat is now in the custody of the state. But every cat with ears full of debris in my home is automatically determined to have ear mites. A nail is torn, likely from trying to escape his cage, and needs to be removed. He is now strongly noted as aggressive and is gassed to get an exam.

Bismark Falls Road Bismark Falls Road

Documentation Posted August 20, 2020 by Elmvale Farm

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